Thursday, July 31, 2008


Pumpkins are another crop that easy to grow, but be warned that you do need a little room for this one to grow properly. You can buy pumpkin seeds, especially if you want to right kind for making pumpkin pie. If you're worried about making pumpkins for Halloween decorations you can just save the seeds from this year's jack-o-lanterns and plant them next year. Don't forget to place hay under each pumpkin as it gets bigger to prevent the underside from discoloring (and in some cases rotting).


A good, easy to grow crop is zucchini. Plant some and you will not be disappointed at the yield (it makes PLENTY!). Since you'll probably have more than you can use at the time, a good idea is to dice the zucchini into about cup sized amounts. Take those, place them in a small freezer bag and store them. Whenever you need an extra ingredient for your soups or stir fry you won't be sorry.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Grow it Yourself

I own a small home with a small yard. The wife grows flowers to pretty the yard up. Me, I grow vegetables. My dad always kept a garden and he passed the bug down to me. You don't have to have 40 acres and a mule to save money growing your own.

Try your hand at home gardening! Plant a row of tomatoes, beans, or even corn! You'll be surprised at how easy this is and how good it tastes.

If you're interested in learning how to grow your own garden, click here.